Kazanan Agro

Web Development


About Company/Client

Kazanan Agro is an AgriTech that is trying to create a sustainable superfood value chain in partnership with farmers across the world beginning with India. The goal is to make farmers choose a combination of super crops which complement each other or co-exist with each other to create a better and recurring income for farmers leveraging farming best practices and technology to produce the best quality and quantity. They focus to train and educate farmers continuously so that they become self-reliant. They are working overall on a farming community development thereby making overall improvement in the quality of life of a farmer.

Founder – Samuel Paul

Our project objective was to create an interactive and user-friendly website as it can be hassle-free to use and also makes the prospective customers connected to the overall Kazananagro’s values and ethics.

While setting up any e-commerce website the first priority is that its UI should be user-friendly whether is for our clients while keeping their inventory at the back end or for the customer while they purchase from that e-commerce platform.

Along with the UI of the website, the website should also be interactive and should be designed to impress. The website can always lose brownie points if the design elements of the website lack the appeal to impress the customers.

Virusha.Tech shared multiple types of e-commerce website layouts and designs which were easy to use and understand. Out of those, a few design files were selected and were implemented after a thorough discussion and understanding of the goals that Greenverz wants to achieve with its website.


WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database with supported HTTPS


About Company/Client

Kazanan Agro is an AgriTech that is trying to create a sustainable superfood value chain in partnership with farmers across the world beginning with India. The goal is to make farmers choose a combination of super crops which complement each other or co-exist with each other to create a better and recurring income for farmers leveraging farming best practices and technology to produce the best quality and quantity. They focus to train and educate farmers continuously so that they become self-reliant. They are working overall on a farming community development thereby making overall improvement in the quality of life of a farmer.

History, Background, Founders :

Founder – Samuel Paul

This time around, Kazananagro approached us for their website redesign.

Our objective for the website redesign was to create new design-themed web pages that are more interactive and create a website that provides more information about Kazananagro and the projects they are carrying out.

While setting up any e-commerce website the first priority is that its UI should be user-friendly whether is for our clients while keeping their inventory at the back end or for the customer while they purchase from that e-commerce platform.

Along with the UI of the website, the website should also be interactive and should be designed to impress. The website can always lose brownie points if the design elements of the website lack the appeal to impress the customers.

Virusha.Tech shared multiple types of e-commerce website layouts and designs which were easy to use and understand. Out of those, a few design files were selected and implemented after a thorough discussion and understanding of the goals that Kazananagro wants to achieve with its website.


WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database with supported HTTPS

Design Process -

Development Process -

Project Demo


Led the content audit of the previous website Outlined site sitemap and wireframed each area Directed the content team for writing and editing Collaborated with Zeek in writing front-end Post-launch, continuing to refactor and expand the code base


Requests per Week


New Clients per Month


Remote Sales Experts

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